She's Here
Kinsley Anne Shireman 6/20/2016 10:44 am 6lbs 7oz 19.5" |
HI all, so ive been at home recovering and enjoying my baby girl.... She is perfect and amazing in every way. I wanted to share with you all my awesome birth story!!!
The night before she was born!! Last prego pic.... |
So as you know for weeks I was having signs of labor. At this point we had already thought she was coming way early, the fact we made it to this point was amazing!!! I had my check up at 39 weeks and I was 5cm dilated and 90% effaced, with all the predromal labor signs. Daily I thought this was it, I was having very regular contractions, time able and strong but my body just wasn't switching into active labor. My dr had mentioned to me that he could break my water and he was 90% sure that would start things along... SO we decided to wait over the weekend and see what happens. The only reason we even were considering doing this was because of me being so far along as far as dilated we were worried it would end up in emergency situation where I wouldnt be able to get to the hospital. I labor fast, at least in the past so we were a little concerned.
So fast forward to Monday the 20th we decided it was time. We went to the hospital first thing that am and decided to go for it. I had to get a round of antibiotics (yuk) did not want them but for all my crunchy mom habits I wasn't willing to risk this one being GBS positive. So i got set up got my first round of iv and my dr showed up at 9 am. He checked me and I was a soft 5 and still 90%. So he broke my water. Well Not sure if you remember he missed my last delivery because he broke my water when i went in in labor and said he'd be back in 2 hrs he had to go to his sons football game, lol well my son was born 40 min later... So this time he said well I have a surgery but hopefully Ill be done in time, HAHAHAHA. anyways. so 9:05 waters broken.
Lets do this!! hope its quick! |
my support!! <3 him |
He left and the nurse left and said call me if you need me!!! SO I layed back and waited. About 30 min went buy I was watching Kelly...And had a few contractions, nothing more than id been having. 5 min went by and another a little stronger, at 9:45 it hit me, bam holy crap that was strong.... SO let it begin.... they were about 6 min apart and getting more intense with each one. 10 min later they were 5 then 10 later 4. Jason (hubby) was watching the monitor and was like wow your about 3-4 min apart on every one. At this point it was about 10: 30. They were so strong at this point I was breathing through each one and gripping the bed rail.
these suckers HURT!!!!! |
He asked if I wanted to get up and walk to get it moving more thinking I was a 5 when I was checked so im probably only a 6 or 7. So I said OK and stood up, got out of bed and he asked if I wanted to go walk the halls and my response was lets just walk in the room. lol, next contraction stopped me completely in my tracks, it was so strong and painful, and I felt her drop. Literally I felt her drop into position, given I was already at 0 station when I got there so im pretty sure she went to +3. It felt so intense I said to Jason you had better call the nurse. Something is going on that was crazy. By the time she got to the room I had barely made it back in bed and had 2 more crazy intense contractions. So she says what ya thinking, I said I wasn't sure but it frickin hurt, lol...
Its 10:35 at this time fyi, so she checks me and says, there is nothing left of your cervix, your ready to push.. but wait, we arent ready, hahaha
the next contraction i wanted to push so bad and she was telling me to pretend i was blowing out candles, keep the breath out of my tummy. She gets on the phone tries my dr, no answer, great hes still in surgery, she pages the on call dr, no answer, 2 nurses rush in, everyone is trying to get ready because they know the next couple contractions and we will have a baby. i as doing everything in my power to not push her out. the bed wasn't ready, no dr, but she was coming. my nurse looked, im still on my side and she was crowning, Jason looked and was like wow, shes right there
sec before she was born, notice time on clock |
.... next contraction hit and that was it, i could not hold her in, my nurse got me on my back and out she came. the cord was wrapped bandalero (sp?) style so around her neck but it went under her arm also, so they clamped it and she came out right on the bed... The on call dr had come in and was trying to gown up as she came out.....1 in the books for my amazing nurse!!!
So for all my worrying im so glad i made this decision because had my water broken at home i most likely wouldn't have made it to the hospital....or had my contractions started at home they got intense so fast Im not sure how long I would have waited before heading there since I already got sent home once a couple weeks before. Im not for interfereing with god but in this case with Jason being gone 24hr shifts and on calls, my kids, my mom is 45 min away and everything else, I think this was the safest decision....
She was so worth waiting for, such an easy delivery, no tearing, all natural and she is perfect!!! My priceless has arrived!!!
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