My Pregnancy Diary- Baby Coltons Birth Story!

 Baby Colton's Birth Story

October 7th, 2013- 38 weeks 4 days
10 days early and Colton's birthday!

 So it all began Monday morning at 7 am. Well actually it began long before that. I had been having false labor for weeks. So many times I thought it was the real deal but would stop. So on sunday I was feeling great and Brekken wanted to jump on his trampoline. So I figured why not! I had still been jump roping so it couldn't hurt. So off we went. Later that night I was having contractions again but again they stopped :( I had hoped the jumping might get things going...
Monday morning I woke up and felt normal. I would notice some random tightening but nothing not normal. I went about the morning till about 8:30 when I realized they had been pretty frequent. I assumed it was the same old thing though and would stop. but for fun I started timing them. for an hour I timed while getting dressed and the tightening ( not painful at all ) was consistently 2-3 min apart and about a min long. still thinking it would stop I continued doing my thing. My mom came over around 10:30 and I told her because they were still happening but still didn't hurt at all. So I decided to just wait and see and go grocery shopping anyway. I assumed if there was zero pain it must be nothing. I got home around 11:45 and they were the same. no worse but still consistent. hmmmm, I started to wonder... She left to a meeting and I said I would keep her posted.
Hubby came home around 12:30 and I told him what had been going on. He said well call the doc...I was nervous to because I didn't want to be THAT girl that gets sent home from l&d with false labor. Well at 1:45 I finally decided it was time to call. Nothing had changed and gotten worse but it was still consistent. I explained what was going on and that because my water had broken with Brekken I wasn't sure what labor felt like. She said if  I was concerned to just come in and get monitored.
15 min later I said to the hubby alright im going in to get monitored. You stay at home with Brekken and I will keep you posted. I drove myself to l&d and walked in with a smile on my face and told the nurse I thought I may be in labor. I could see the laugh  in her eyes. Who really walks in on their own in labor??? So they gave me a room and did a cervical check. And tons of blood sorry tmi, and I was at 4 cm. My apt a week before I was at a 3. But I didn't know if the change was from that day or a weeks worth of false labor. So I was like hmmmm. She hooked me up to monitor contractions and baby and said i'll be back in an hour. Well so here I was watching this machine every 2 min go up in numbers and come back down. I called my mom and told her I was there and she came down to sit with me. We watched together. every 2 min they were coming a few more intense than others but still not painful at all. The nurse comes in an hour later looks at the readout and does another cervical. I was a soft 4.5. So things had changed. But still no pain. She went to call the doc. She comes back in and says ok we are admitting you. I looked at my mom and thought really? This is labor, it sure doesn't feel like it but ok. Lets do this.
So its about 3:45 and she transfers me to a labor room hooks up my iv because I had tested positive for the group b strep and says your doc will be here soon. She leaves and there we are. I call the hubby and update him but say take your time I will update after I see my doc, but get ready to head over. At 4:30 my doc shows up and at this point some of the contractions had become stronger and more noticeable and uncomfortable, but still not bad at all. He does a cervical check and I was a soft 5 cm and like 95%  effaced. he says do you want me to break your water. I said sure! I knew that would speed things along. This was at 4:55. he said my son has a football game from 5-7 first one of the school year so I will be back after its over. I though ok that should work. He left and the very next contraction was like ok wow that changed, they went from a 3 pain level to like a 7-8 that quick. Oh ya I called hubby he was with my son at subway and I said he broke my water but don't rush. Luckily he did rush and showed up 15 min later. So that 15 min the contractions got so intense. So strong and painful. My hubby walks in at 5:15 and I was gripping the bed rail eyes closed and breathing through a really intense pain. I freaked my son out lol. My mom decided because we thought it could still be a while she would take Brekken and go home and change. During this time I decided I wanted an epidural. The contractions were insane. So she was walking out with brek and that contraction was almost unbearable. They left and the nurse came in and I had another contractions and all of a sudden I said I felt like I needed to push. She said hold on just breathe. The epidural lady walks in while my nurse is checking me and im at an 8. Holy cow that was fast what 15 min I went from 5-8. The epi lady saw me go through another contraction and said I need to do this with her on her side If I sit her up this baby will come out first. She asked if I still wanted it and as the next contraction hit I said YES. They rolled me on my side and again another one. I had to push it was almost uncontrollable , but she said no just breathe. I got so sweaty and was almost hyperventilating from breathing so rapidly. The epi lady got it in as I felt him crowning. I was like omg this is sooo painful but this baby is coming out. I cant stop it. They rolled me back on to my back and my nurse said I was 10 cm +3 and he was coming out. Well this was at 5:32. Hubby texted my mom and said come back shes pushing! My doc obviously wasn't there so the on call doc rushes in puts my legs up and the next contraction I was pushing him out. The epi lady hadn't even left the room yet, lol.  He made me stop for a sec to let things stretch a little and push again. Same contraction and he was out!!!!!! Holy sh$% did that just happen? 5:38 my baby boy was born. We delayed the cord cutting till it stopped pulsating then he put him on my chest. I was in heaven...
SO the epi didn't work, It wasn't in long enough to do anything. I felt Everything, ouch was that painful! But amazing. It slightly kicked in for the stitches but it was taken back out not even 10 min after they put it in...If I had known it could go so fast I wouldn't have bothered. But there you have it. Less than 45 min of pain and water breaking...Amazing, now we have a beautiful baby boy!



The most amazing experience ever!
Mommy, daddy and Brekken are so in love with Baby Colton!


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