Baby #3- Pregnancy Diary- Week 33!!!
Kinsley is about 4 lbs and 17" long!!!! She is on the small side so maybe not quite that big... |
Date: May 3rd, 2016
How far along: 33 Weeks!
Total weight gain: About 15 lbs I think
Maternity clothes: No same old! The weather is getting warmer so I foresee more skirts and sun dresses for the final few weeks, thank goodness... I still fit in my pants no problem but im ready for flowy stuff....
Stretch marks: Still NO!!!! And Im almost done yay!!! Im blessed but im telling ya It Works stretch mark cream is awesome!!! I really feel like its keeping my skin soft, and when im itchy and use it the itching totally goes away!!! check it out!
Sleep: Pretty good!! Im not having aches and pains at all which is nice. I really believe exercise when your pregnant helps sp much when your body becomes unbalanced. Keeping muscles working and toned is so important!!!
Best moment of this week: shes still baking away!! And I was successful in weaning Colton hooray!!!!!
Miss anything: Working out like I usually do :( I honestly miss it alot. Its my de stress, and my energy. Taking it easy is not me so its been really hard...
Movement: All the time! She definitley has her patterns which is cool to recognize. Sometimes i swear shes doing boxing in there, my tummy will go crazy all of a sudden. Its so cool. I need to get it on video.
Food cravings: fruit its that simple. Honestly I have no room, and not much of an appetite.
Anything making you queasy or sick: sometimes but not often
Gender: GIRL! GIRL! GIRL! GIRL! GIRL! did I say GIRL!!! And We officially named our baby girl!!!!
*****Kinsley Anne Shireman***** Her middle name is after my sister that was her middle name <3
Labor signs: Well good news I feel like its calmed down this last week. I stopped nursing which I think was a huge culprit. I am not jumping around anymore also helping. So we will see in a few days. I see my dr wed at 34 weeks so he will check me and hopefully things have slowed down... Im still having lots of contractions just not as frequent.
Wedding rings on or off: on and lose still
Happy or moody most of the time: I am super happy this week shes still baking!!!
Looking forward to: Being out of the danger zone and just relaxing and enjoying the last couple weeks. I know 34 weeks is still early but I feel like getting there is at the point where they dont stop labor anyways so its more of a safe zone. One step at a time.
Anything else: Im having a blast doing her nursery. Its soooooooooo cute. Honestly my vision came to life and its so exciting. I will post pics soon!!!!! Im working on so much right now so life is crazy but I love it!!!!
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Fun comparison, left is now and right is last pregnancy with Colton. Im definitely smaller this time around and lower. Dang I need a tan hahaha |
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