Workout Videos!
Workout Videos
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2 Moves Tabata
Full Body HIIT
Lower body Blast
50/10 advanced
40/20 beginner and intermediate
** jump around
* reverse lunge arabesque, reverse lunge knee up
* wide knee up
* side lunge leg raise
* kettle bell swings
**Modify to lower impact by marching in place
Full Body HIIT
50/10 advanced
40/20 beginner and intermediate
2-4 rounds
** jump rope
* clean and press, single arm
* knee up, hands down
* front raise , side raise
** run in place
* bent over row, narrow, wide
* curtsy lunge, press
* knee up cross body
for lower impact march in place, get your knees up as high as possible and comfortable
Lower body Blast
3-4 rounds
50/10 advanced
40/20 beginner and intermediate
*diagonal kick, tap
*knee to elbow
*diagonal kick, tap
*booty pulses
*diagonal kick, tap
*plank hold side to side
Alternate the diagonal kickes from left to right leg, and do the each side on the the know to elbow split time and booty pulses slip time for a total of 6 exercises x 3-4 rounds
Here is an awesome upper body workout with a lower body burn out!!!
50/10 advanced
40/20 intermediate
3-4xs through
Squat, high shoulder punch
Squat, forward punch
squat to shoulder press
bicep curls
50/10 advanced
40/20 intermediate
3-4xs through
Squat, high shoulder punch
Squat, forward punch
squat to shoulder press
bicep curls
New Full Body with core emphasis!!
30/30 beginner
40/20 intermediate
50/10 advanced.
Perform entire routine 2-3 xs through
*knee up arms together
*ball mtn climbers
*side bend reach
* ball booty blasters
*wide squat toe taps
*ball rows
*toe touch
* ball split squat
*wide squat knee ups
*double down squats
Awesome full body burnout using a stability ball and light weights...
perform 50 sec work 10 sec rest advanced
40 sec work 20 sec rest beginner intermediate
entire routing 3-4xs through
* ball squat, shoulder press
* ball squat hold, bicep curl
* static lunge, with side raise
* kettle bell side to side shuffle
* side plank
if the exercise has 2 sides perform other side on next round
Upper body cardio HIIT
This is an upper body workout with a full body flare..
50 sec work 10 sec rest advanced
40 sec work 20 sec rest beginner and intermediate
* Elbow to knee, elbow to straight leg
* overhead tricep
* clean and press, with squat, single arm
* goal post
* Elbow to knee, elbow to straight leg
* bicep curl, hold, up and down
* clean and press, with squat, single arm
* out and in
Upper body Boxer HIIT
This is a boxing inspired HIIT workout!!!
50 sec work 10 sec rest advanced
40 sec work 20 sec rest intermediate and beginner
* cross body , knee up- switch sides half way
* punches
* cross body, knee up
* punch, hook- switch sides half way
* cross body, knee up
* upper cuts
perform entire routine 3-4xs through
Lower Body Burnout!
perform each exercise 20 reps each, if exercise has 2 sides do 20 reps per side,
do entire routine 3-4xs through
rest 20 secs between sets
Upper body Burnout
Perform 20 reps of each exercise
do entire routine 3-4 times through
rest 20 sec between sets
Warm up
Great warm up for any routine!!! perform 1-2 xs through
2nd Trimester approved, Full Body HIIT 40/20
40 sec on 20 sec rest, perform 2xs through for an awesome 28 min full body blaster!!
Full Body HIIT
9 exercises 2-3x through
30 sec on 30 sec rest 2x
40 sec on 20 sec rest 2x
50 sec on 10 sec rest 2-3x
*jump rope
*jump rope
*wide grip curls
*jump rope
*squat to superman
*jump rope
*front raises
*drink water, and listen to your body
* for jump rope modification use use side to side toe taps or similar
Full Body HIIT Couplet
Enjoy today's Couplet workout!
It breaks down 2 exercises 2 times through, then move on to the next set of 2.
1. Plyo toe taps (modification shown in the middle)
2. forward lunge, bicep curl
3. Around the world, squat
4. weighted jacks (modification shown)
5. triceps dips, knee up
6.step ups with weight, knee up
7. weighted squat, front raise
8.curtsy lunge
9. bicep curl, press (palms facing in)
10. plank hold, row
Beginner do 30 sec work, 30 sec rest each set 2xs then move on
Intermediate 40 sec work 20 sec rest each set 2xs then move on
Advanced 50 sec work 10 sec rest each set 3 xs then move on
Listen to your body, stay hydrated, and Enjoy!!!!
Full Body HIIT
Full Body 2nd trimester
Beginner-30 sec on 30 sec rest
Intermediate- 40 sec on 20 sec rest
Advanced- 50 sec on 10 sec rest
perform entire set 2-4 times through depending on level
*Knee to elbow
*sumo squat with weights
*plank hold
*horse stance with bicep curl
*reverse lunge with kick through
P.S dont worry if you wobble :) pregnancy throws of your center of gravity!!!
*remember to drink water and listen to your body :)
Hi All, here is a HIIT workout for your lower body, safe for the second trimester. Im Currently 20 weeks 2 days!
So each exercise is to be performed as follows:
* Upper cuts- in horse stance
* Jump rope- with or without actual rope
* Sumo squat with side leg raise
* Knee ups, arms in
* sumo squat
*You can use light hand weights to add extra resistance to the above circuit
beginners- 30 sec work, 30 sec rest- perform entire set 2-3 xs
intermediate- 40 sec work, 20 sec rest- perform entire set 3xs
Advanced- 50 sec work, 10 sec rest- perform entire set 3-4xs
Entire Circuit is 15-20 mins max.
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