Baby #3- Pregnancy Diary- Week 32!! 8 Months!!!!
Im measuring small, about 30.5 weeks, but technically she should be about 3.75 lbs and around 16.3/4 ". |
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I have a shot like this with both boys so here's my baby girl!!! |
Date: April 27th, 2016
How far along: 32 weeks!! 8 months!!!
Total weight gain: About 13.5 lbs im around 122 ish
Maternity clothes: no, I still fit in all my jeans, its hard though because shes so low it makes jeans not comfortable at all. I love leggings and cant wait for maxis, and dresses!!!! At this rate we had 8" of snow today I might have her before I get the chance lol...
Stretch marks: no, no, no.. Im blessed but im telling ya It Works stretch mark cream is awesome!!! I really feel like its keeping my skin soft, and when im itchy and use it the itching totally goes away!!! check it out!
Sleep: not to bad, i am ctually comfortable, im not achey, and my body feels good. the only thing that disturbs my sleep is my bos lol...
Best moment of this week: Well, its been a rough week with pregnancy scares and finally stopping nursing my youngest, so all in all a rough week, but the best part is 1 im still baking her, which is a huge yay, and 2 im doing her nursey which is soooooo fun!!!
Miss anything: I miss not having to be careful. Right now im trying my hardest to rest a lot more to keep her baking so its a HUGE adjustment for me, and my workouts im missing :( i can do a little but not my norm.
Movement: so much, she is one active little lady. Im finally feeling her little feet up near my ribs. the funniest is when she must stretch out and I have limbs protruding out both sides...
Food cravings: honestly all I want is fruits, nuts, and super light stuff, I have no room lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: very random but yes still sometimes
Gender: GIRL! GIRL! GIRL! GIRL! GIRL! did I say GIRL!!! And We officially named our baby girl!!!!
*****Kinsley Anne Shireman***** Her middle name is after my sister that was her middle name <3
Labor signs: Yes unfortunately.... I ended up going in last tuesday for that fetal fibronectin test and found out wed it cam back positive. Luckily this test is way better at telling you if labor wont happen than it will. With a positive yes my chances of early labor are higher so i need to take it easy but she could totally still bake for a good 3-6 more weeks. 35+ is my goal. he did recheck me and luckily there was no cervial change in the 6 days so thats great, but I have braxton hicks all the time, even when im resting. The one thing I didnt think about is Ive been tryin to wean my 2yr old form nursing at night and realized thats probably alot to do with it because that stimulates your uterus. So after I found out the test was positive I had to make the decision to cut him off cold turkey. Im posting this 2 days late so today is actually day 2 complete of no nursing and let me tell you im an emotional wreck and so is he. Its so hard but its for the best of everyone. He needs to be done a few weeks before she comes so he doesnt resent her, I need a few week break and she needs to keep baking so all in all its for the best but so darn hard. Add in the hormones and its tears and more tears.... Breaking that bond is way more than I thought.
Belly button in or out: Its pretty much flat :)
Wedding rings on or off: on and lose still
Happy or moody most of the time: Excited, scared, happy, sad, nervous lol I sound like im pregnant or something hahahah
Looking forward to: getting everything done and ready so I can relax and enjoy a little bit of time with my boys before she arrives. Our family dynamic is about to change so I want to make the most of it.
Anything else: Well my workouts have changed drastically, basically walking, biking and light weights is it. I took the last few days off completely to give my bod a rest totally. Im not on bed rest but I do need to chill. Not sure what that meas so i had to look it up, :) but really im just taking better care of myself by trying not to overdo it. Im working on so much right now so life is crazy but I love it!!!!
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The boys wanted to join in on todays pictures!!! Lol, I love these kiddos!!!
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