Baby #3- Pregnancy Diary- Week 17!
17 weeks, baby girl is the size of an onion! |
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Working out 4-5 days a week keeps me fit and healthy.... |
Date: January 13th, 2016
How far along: 17 weeks! wow time is flying!
Total weight gain: even current weight 108.4... finally able to hold food down yay!!!
Maternity clothes: Im still wearing my jeans with bands and belly bands.. I love leggings also, just so comfy!
Stretch marks: nope thank goodness!
Sleep: Not to bad, I just feel like I always need to pee. But my body pillow is really helping with comfort. If I could just get my kids to cooperate lol
Best moment of this week: just feeling better, and more like myself :)
Miss anything: not really, I love being pregnant!
Movement: Yes, but not as much as id like. I want more hehe...
Food cravings: no, I dont get cravings...
Anything making you queasy or sick: just random still, Im not 100% but I never know when I will be or what will cause it.
Have you started to show yet: yep, its for sure now!
Gender: Baby Girl! Hopefully will stay that way and doesnt sprout a penis lol
Labor signs: no way, ligament pains, but hopefully nothing else for quite a while
Belly button in or out: in
Wedding rings on or off: on and l lose.
Happy or moody most of the time:Pretty happy most of the time.
Looking forward to: more movement and my 20 week scan to see our baby again!
Anything else:Feels so good to be exercising again.... And starting to eat my normal healthy diet!! Need any tips or advice ask me!
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