Boy or Girl!
Ring Test:
So I don't know about you, but I really want to know what i'm having. I would love to have a baby girl this time but healthy is #1.... I don't know if you have ever hear of the ring test? You can take a ring and place it on a chain or use a pendulum. You can either hold it over your belly or your hand and ask am I have a girl, or boy. Each question separate. I really want to know so I tried it. It said GIRL! For sure that's what it said. It spun in a clockwise direction without a doubt then I asked if it was a boy and it totally slowed down, stopped and started going anticlockwise.
You have to find out for you what means yes and no. SO place the string over your hand make sure its completely still and then ask what means a yes? Then do the same with no. Once you know the answer you can pretty much ask any question. Just be careful because the power of the mind is very strong and has been known to influence the answer.
Baking Soda test:
Yes, I know im crazy but I also heard of the baking soda test for gender. Basically you put a teaspoon of baking soda in a clean dry cup, then add a teaspoon of your pee. If it fizzes its a boy if it does nothing its a girl. So I did it and it did absolutely nothing! We will see. I'm 2 for 2. 9-10 weeks to wait.
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